Automated rental systems with smart locker systems.

Efficient and secure hire solutions for tools, garden equipment, IT equipment, sports equipment and much more.

Smart Locker systems simplify the rental process for both companies and end customers. The innovative systems automate the entire rental process, offer maximum security and enable flexible use around the clock. Whether for the hire of tools and equipment within a company or for the hire of garden tools and sports equipment to end customers - automated hire solutions offer an efficient and user-friendly solution.

Automated internal company rental systems

In an operational context, automated hire systems make it easier to hire out tools, equipment or even car keys. Employees can borrow the items they need easily and securely, which increases operational efficiency and reduces administrative costs. At the same time, these systems enable complete documentation and control of all loans, which leads to better utilisation of resources and greater security.

Automated rental systems for end customers

Automated hire systems offer end customers a convenient way to hire garden equipment, sports equipment and tools. Automating the rental process ensures easy handling and maximum flexibility, as items can be borrowed and returned regardless of opening hours. This increases customer satisfaction and facilitates access to the required items.

Advantages of smart pick-up stations for automated hire systems:


Simple transfer

Open and close compartments using QR codes, key cards or numerical codes.


Available 24/7

Your pick-up station for equipment hire is also available 24/7 outside opening hours and offers time flexibility.

Increased satisfaction

Quick and easy lending of materials increases user satisfaction.

Statistics in the backend

Efficient management

Automated lending systems reduce the administrative workload and ensure complete documentation of all lending and return processes.

Cost reduction

Cost reduction

Operating costs can be reduced through automation and efficient utilisation of resources.

Variocube works with a WebApp

Flexible with WebApp

The LendApp offers an overview app with simple lending processes for end customers.

In-house, automated rental systems


Simplify the collection and return of rental devices

Simplify the internal lending of IT equipment, tools or other resources with our intelligent locker solutions. Our systems offer secure and efficient management of your company resources and improve operational efficiency through automated processes.

Examples of use:

SafeCube registration on the screen

Automated hire systems for customers, private individuals or residents.

Simplify the lending of sports equipment, garden tools or tools.

Expand your service offering with our automated rental systems. Intelligent locker solutions enable convenient and flexible round-the-clock hire of a wide range of items. Ideal for local authorities, lido operators, sports clubs, park operators and various companies offering hire services directly to end customers, these systems offer maximum security and user-friendliness.

What can be borrowed, for example?

Automated hire solution for sports equipment in Norderstedt city park

RentalCube - The smart locker software for rental systems

Automated rental systems with short integration times

Experience the future of your tool, equipment, sporting goods or IT equipment rental with RentalCube - your solution for automated rental systems! With our intelligent rental stations, your customers can collect and return equipment, tools, sports equipment and much more around the clock. Perfectly integrated into your existing systems, RentalCube offers an intuitive front end for simple selection and booking as well as a comprehensive back end for user management and statistics. Optimise your processes and save resources. Switch to automated rental systems now.

RentalCube Icon

Interfaces to your systems

Connection or integration into existing systems (webshop, merchandise management, CRM, etc.).

Intelligent front end

The frontend offers customers a selection of available objects, time periods and much more.

Extensive backend

Administrators can view and edit stock levels and rental logs in the backend.

How does the loan process work?

Procedure RentalCube

Open and operate via WebApp.

Our rental application is 100% web-based, so your visitors do not need to install their own app on their smartphone. They receive access to their individual locker via the link sent to them and can open it at any time, even if they are not there in person.

What is a WebApp?
WebApps are platform-independent and do not require installation, which simplifies access. They are updated centrally so that users always use the latest version without having to perform manual updates. The development of web apps is often more cost-effective.

The hardware - Modular locker in industrial quality

Our innovative, flexible, modular locker systems are designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards. You get durable, long-lasting lockers with low service requirements. The electronic components used, such as controllers and touchscreens, meet industry standards to ensure long-lasting durability. All this is Made in Austria - so we meet the highest quality standards.

Cloud software. Secure and efficient.

With our cloud solution, you reduce costs compared to on-premises solutions. The security of your data and the up-to-dateness of the software is increased by the professional support of the ISO 27001 certified data centre. 

Cloud solutions are affected by disruptions much less frequently or, if the worst comes to the worst, they are remedied very quickly. They do not have to place an additional burden on their IT and save personnel and working time.

You get a secure, AES256 encrypted, reliable and cost-effective solution.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - Automated rental solution

Automated rental systems are solutions that enable the rental of items without human interaction. They use intelligent lockers and software to control the entire rental process.

They offer flexibility through 24/7 availability, reduce labour costs, enable precise traceability and increase security through separate access codes.

At the front end, users can select the available devices, specify the loan period and, if necessary, select alternatives if the desired device has already been rented out.

The backend enables the management of users, stocks and loan logs as well as the creation of comprehensive statistics on usage and stock management.

Different opening codes are assigned to lenders and users to ensure that only authorised persons have access. There is also a ticket system for support.

Companies save working time and resources as devices can be collected and returned flexibly and without personal contact. The systems also offer comprehensive statistics on usage and inventory management.

Yes, automated rental systems such as RentalCube can be integrated into existing systems such as web shops, merchandise management and CRM systems to ensure seamless processes.

Automated rental systems are suitable for many industries, including retail, office buildings, educational institutions and service centres, sports retail, municipalities, beach resorts and many more. They offer flexible and secure solutions for the hire and storage of items.

There is an authorisation model by category, which ensures that users can only access the devices they need. This reduces risks and simplifies administration.

Private individuals can borrow equipment around the clock without being tied to opening hours. The system offers a simple and safe way to use devices without having to queue.

Residents can reserve and collect appliances via an online portal or an app without having to leave the building. This offers a high level of convenience and saves time.

From technical devices to tools, IT equipment, sports equipment and household appliances, a wide variety of items can be lent out automatically, which increases flexibility and utilisation options.

Returning a device is just as easy as borrowing it. The user puts the device back in the compartment allocated to them, locks it and the system automatically registers the return.

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